Your complete Guide to Airport light signals by Avia Led

Airport light signals can be seen almost everywhere as they have become a part of our daily lives. Still, we are yet to know its importance. Different types of airport light signals are available, and each can have different uses.

Let us look at the importance of Beacons!

Airport light signals provide warning, signal, and guidance at sea, road, airfields, and another place. Along with that, the powerful light and color, they can attract the attention of a broad spectrum of audience. Moreover, they are beneficial tools in keeping people informed of what to expect and how to respond.

Now let us look at the uses of Airport light signals.

Mostly, these lights are used as warning beacon and have a wide variety of different application depending on their type and colour.

Based on Type

1.     Rotating Airport light signals for emergency vehicles: One of the most popular uses of the rotating beacon is that they are mostly found on the top of the emergency vehicles, construction vehicles, police vehicles, and various other industrial settings.

2.     Airport signalling lights for aviation: In the aviation industry, they guide pilots and different service vehicles inside the airport like how traffic lights are used to guide people and vehicles on the road. Also, different colours of airport light signals are available!

airport light signals

airport light signals

3.     Warning Beacons for the rail industry: Here, they add extra visibility on the railroad enhancing safety for people and trains. It can help to reduce or prevent accidents from taking place and they furthermore, play an essential role in the construction industry.

With that, they improve safety on construction sites, especially in the areas where safety risks are more significant.

Based on colour, red airportlight signals are used on emergency vehicles sending the signal to move out and take away. The blue ones are used on firefighter vehicles, ambulances, and other emergency vehicles.
On the other hand, the least used are yellow and green, which are used to send a warning in dark conditions and security and safety respectively.



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